Cheeky Buds is an Eco-friendly earphone company that wanted to raise awareness of the Cheeky Buds brand and open it up to a wider audience and make more sales. The objectives were to design and construct a limited edition designer toy including a logo and packaging for a special promotion for their Midnight Black headphones. The tone was quirky, Eco-friendly, clean, fun and edgy.
My idea was a monkey dressed in a Spotted-tailed quoll onesie. Cheeky Buds already has a mascot (a monkey) so I wanted to use that cheeky image and incorporate it into my design. The spotted-tailed quoll is an Australian endangered animal that is nocturnal. The logo is a representation of the quoll with sharp points and curved lines.
I chose a hexagon shaped box with a wood texture to represent a log which is a place quolls make their dens.